
IMG_8543Dear friendly readers:

My name is Samantha DiBiaso and I am currently serving as a Young Adult in Global Mission with the Evangelical Church of Southern Africa. I will be one of 90 plus young adults serving on behalf of the ELCA in 11 different country programs around the world! I am so grateful for such an amazing opportunity to grow, learn, and serve.

I am a believer. I believe in hope, in community, in leading a curious life, in service, in education, in family, and in friends. I am a woman, a sister, a military daughter, and a member of the ELCA. I love running, scrapbooking, and enjoy getting to know others through service. I am most passionate about service and advocating for others. To me, service means to learn, experience and live. Through service we can build relationships, understanding, and break down those barriers that divide us.

Four years ago, I would have never expected to be who I am, and where I am headed today. I was okay with settling, accepted social norms, and avoided challenging things that I thought were wrong. Now, I don’t think twice about making changes, challenges, and opening myself beyond my comfort zone. Growth can be difficult, but in the end worthwhile. All of these things have shaped who I am, and I could not be more grateful. But through my YAGM year, each step I take will lead and transform me into a new place, a new me. I still have A LOT to learn and I am excited to share the journey with all of you.

Thank you for your love and support!